classroom The data used in this project is drawn from 993 public schools in Oregon (of 1,304) for which we have complete records

Programming to Progress

Programming to Progress looked at the effects of the level of summer and afterschool programming on the the performance of Oregon public school students on standardized tests. Our data reveals that students in Oregon with access to a higher number of programs than their peers tend to perform better, after controlling for poverty. The correlation is strong for both Math and English Language Arts tests.

In our analysis:

  1. We looked at 993 Oregon public schools (of 1,239) because we had complete data on these schools.
  2. Most of the schools with complete data offer programs.
  3. Student performance is considered at the school level and in three areas: Math, English Language Arts, and Science.
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About Hack Oregon

HACK OREGON is a community-powered non-profit building civic data projects to promote engagement, awareness, and quality of life for all Oregonians.